Package 'sport'

Title: Sequential Pairwise Online Rating Techniques
Description: Calculates ratings for two-player or multi-player challenges. Methods included in package such as are able to estimate ratings (players strengths) and their evolution in time, also able to predict output of challenge. Algorithms are based on Bayesian Approximation Method, and they don't involve any matrix inversions nor likelihood estimation. Parameters are updated sequentially, and computation doesn't require any additional RAM to make estimation feasible. Additionally, base of the package is written in C++ what makes sport computation even faster. Methods used in the package refers to Mark E. Glickman (1999) <>; Mark E. Glickman (2001) <doi:10.1080/02664760120059219>; Ruby C. Weng, Chih-Jen Lin (2011) <>; W. Penny, Stephen J. Roberts (1999) <doi:10.1109/IJCNN.1999.832603>.
Authors: Dawid Kałędkowski [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Dawid Kałędkowski <[email protected]>
License: GPL-2
Version: 0.2.0
Built: 2025-02-07 04:42:53 UTC

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Bayesian Bradley-Terry


Bayesian Bradley-Terry


  r = numeric(0),
  rd = numeric(0),
  init_r = 25,
  init_rd = 25/3,
  lambda = NULL,
  share = NULL,
  weight = NULL,
  kappa = 0.5



formula which specifies the model. RHS Allows only player rating parameter and it should be specified in following manner:

rank | id ~ player(name).

  • rank player position in event.

  • id event identifier in which pairwise comparison is assessed.

  • player(name) name of the contestant. In this case player(name) helps algorithm point name of the column where player names are stored.

Users can also specify formula in in different way: rank | id ~ player(name|team). Which means that players are playing in teams, and results are observed for teams not for players. For more see vignette.


data.frame which contains columns specified in formula, and optional columns defined by lambda, weight.


named vector of initial players ratings estimates. If not specified then r will be created automatically for parameters specified in formula with initial value init_r.


rd named vector of initial rating deviation estimates. If not specified then rd will be created automatically for parameters specified in formula with initial value init_rd.


initial values for r if not provided. Default (glicko = 1500, glicko2 = 1500, bbt = 25, dbl = 0)


initial values for rd if not provided. Default (glicko = 350, glicko2 = 350, bbt = 25/3, dbl = 1)


name of the column in 'data' containing lambda values or one constant value (eg. lambda = colname or lambda = 0.5). Lambda impact prior variance, and uncertainty of the matchup result. The higher lambda, the higher prior variance and more uncertain result of the matchup. Higher lambda flattens chances of winning.


name of the column in 'data' containing player share in team efforts. It's used to first calculate combined rating of the team and then redistribute ratings update back to players level. Warning - it should be used only if formula is specified with players nested within teams ('player(player|team)').


name of the column in 'data' containing weights values or one constant (eg. weight = colname or weight = 0.5). Weights increasing (weight > 1) or decreasing (weight < 1) update change. Higher weight increasing impact of event result on rating estimate.


controls rd shrinkage not to be greater than rd*(1 - kappa). 'kappa=1' means that rd will not be decreased.


A "rating" object is returned:

  • final_r named vector containing players ratings.

  • final_rd named vector containing players ratings deviations.

  • r data.frame with evolution of the ratings and ratings deviations estimated at each event.

  • pairs pairwise combinations of players in analysed events with prior probability and result of a challenge.

  • class of the object.

  • method type of algorithm used.

  • settings arguments specified in function call.


# the simplest example
data <- data.frame(
  id = c(1, 1, 1, 1),
  team = c("A", "A", "B", "B"),
  player = c("a", "b", "c", "d"),
  rank_team = c(1, 1, 2, 2),
  rank_player = c(3, 4, 1, 2)

bbt <- bbt_run(
  data = data, 
  formula = rank_player | id ~ player(player),
   r = setNames(c(25, 23.3, 25.83, 28.33), c("a", "b", "c", "d")),
   rd = setNames(c(4.76, 0.71, 2.38, 7.14), c("a", "b", "c", "d"))
# nested matchup
bbt <- bbt_run(
  data = data, 
  formula = rank_team | id ~ player(player | team)

Dynamic Bayesian Logit


Dynamic Bayesian Logit


  r = NULL,
  rd = NULL,
  lambda = NULL,
  weight = NULL,
  kappa = 0.95,
  init_r = 0,
  init_rd = 1



formula which specifies the model. Unlike other algorithms in the packages (glicko_run, glicko2_run, bbt_run), this method doesn't allow players nested in teams with 'player(player | team)' and user should matchup in formula using 'player(player)'. DBL allows user specify multiple parameters also in interaction with others.


data.frame which contains columns specified in formula, and optional columns defined by lambda, weight.


named vector of initial players ratings estimates. If not specified then r will be created automatically for parameters specified in formula with initial value init_r.


rd named vector of initial rating deviation estimates. If not specified then rd will be created automatically for parameters specified in formula with initial value init_rd.


name of the column in 'data' containing lambda values or one constant value (eg. lambda = colname or lambda = 0.5). Lambda impact prior variance, and uncertainty of the matchup result. The higher lambda, the higher prior variance and more uncertain result of the matchup. Higher lambda flattens chances of winning.


name of the column in 'data' containing weights values or one constant (eg. weight = colname or weight = 0.5). Weights increasing (weight > 1) or decreasing (weight < 1) update change. Higher weight increasing impact of event result on rating estimate.


controls rd shrinkage not to be greater than rd*(1 - kappa). 'kappa=1' means that rd will not be decreased.


initial values for r if not provided. Default (glicko = 1500, glicko2 = 1500, bbt = 25, dbl = 0)


initial values for rd if not provided. Default (glicko = 350, glicko2 = 350, bbt = 25/3, dbl = 1)


A "rating" object is returned:

  • final_r named vector containing players ratings.

  • final_rd named vector containing players ratings deviations.

  • r data.frame with evolution of the ratings and ratings deviations estimated at each event.

  • pairs pairwise combinations of players in analysed events with prior probability and result of a challenge.

  • class of the object.

  • method type of algorithm used.

  • settings arguments specified in function call.


# the simplest example

data <- data.frame(
  id = c(1, 1, 1, 1),
  name = c("A", "B", "C", "D"),
  rank = c(3, 4, 1, 2),
  gate = c(1, 2, 3, 4),
  factor1 = c("a", "a", "b", "b"),
  factor2 = c("a", "b", "a", "b")

dbl <- dbl_run(
  data = data, 
  formula = rank | id ~ player(name)

dbl <- dbl_run(
  data = data, 
  formula = rank | id ~ player(name) + gate * factor1)

Glicko rating algorithm


Glicko rating algorithm


  r = numeric(0),
  rd = numeric(0),
  init_r = 1500,
  init_rd = 350,
  lambda = numeric(0),
  share = numeric(0),
  weight = numeric(0),
  kappa = 0.5



data.frame which contains columns specified in formula, and optional columns defined by lambda, weight.


formula which specifies the model. RHS Allows only player rating parameter and it should be specified in following manner:

rank | id ~ player(name).

  • rank player position in event.

  • id event identifier in which pairwise comparison is assessed.

  • player(name) name of the contestant. In this case player(name) helps algorithm point name of the column where player names are stored.

Users can also specify formula in in different way: rank | id ~ player(name|team). Which means that players are playing in teams, and results are observed for teams not for players. For more see vignette.


named vector of initial players ratings estimates. If not specified then r will be created automatically for parameters specified in formula with initial value init_r.


rd named vector of initial rating deviation estimates. If not specified then rd will be created automatically for parameters specified in formula with initial value init_rd.


initial values for r if not provided. Default (glicko = 1500, glicko2 = 1500, bbt = 25, dbl = 0)


initial values for rd if not provided. Default (glicko = 350, glicko2 = 350, bbt = 25/3, dbl = 1)


name of the column in 'data' containing lambda values or one constant value (eg. lambda = colname or lambda = 0.5). Lambda impact prior variance, and uncertainty of the matchup result. The higher lambda, the higher prior variance and more uncertain result of the matchup. Higher lambda flattens chances of winning.


name of the column in 'data' containing player share in team efforts. It's used to first calculate combined rating of the team and then redistribute ratings update back to players level. Warning - it should be used only if formula is specified with players nested within teams ('player(player|team)').


name of the column in 'data' containing weights values or one constant (eg. weight = colname or weight = 0.5). Weights increasing (weight > 1) or decreasing (weight < 1) update change. Higher weight increasing impact of event result on rating estimate.


controls rd shrinkage not to be greater than rd*(1 - kappa). 'kappa=1' means that rd will not be decreased.


A "rating" object is returned:

  • final_r named vector containing players ratings.

  • final_rd named vector containing players ratings deviations.

  • r data.frame with evolution of the ratings and ratings deviations estimated at each event.

  • pairs pairwise combinations of players in analysed events with prior probability and result of a challenge.

  • class of the object.

  • method type of algorithm used.

  • settings arguments specified in function call.


# the simplest example
data <- data.frame(
  id = c(1, 1, 1, 1),
  team = c("A", "A", "B", "B"),
  player = c("a", "b", "c", "d"),
  rank_team = c(1, 1, 2, 2),
  rank_player = c(3, 4, 1, 2)

# Example from Glickman
glicko <- glicko_run(
  data = data, 
  formula = rank_player | id ~ player(player),
   r = setNames(c(1500.0, 1400.0, 1550.0, 1700.0), c("a", "b", "c", "d")),
   rd = setNames(c(200.0, 30.0, 100.0, 300.0), c("a", "b", "c", "d"))
# nested matchup
glicko <- glicko_run(
  data = data, 
  formula = rank_team | id ~ player(player | team)

Glicko2 rating algorithm


Glicko2 rating algorithm


  r = numeric(0),
  rd = numeric(0),
  sigma = numeric(0),
  lambda = NULL,
  share = NULL,
  weight = NULL,
  init_r = 1500,
  init_rd = 350,
  init_sigma = 0.05,
  kappa = 0.5,
  tau = 0.5



formula which specifies the model. RHS Allows only player rating parameter and it should be specified in following manner:

rank | id ~ player(name).

  • rank player position in event.

  • id event identifier in which pairwise comparison is assessed.

  • player(name) name of the contestant. In this case player(name) helps algorithm point name of the column where player names are stored.

Users can also specify formula in in different way: rank | id ~ player(name|team). Which means that players are playing in teams, and results are observed for teams not for players. For more see vignette.


data.frame which contains columns specified in formula, and optional columns defined by lambda, weight.


named vector of initial players ratings estimates. If not specified then r will be created automatically for parameters specified in formula with initial value init_r.


rd named vector of initial rating deviation estimates. If not specified then rd will be created automatically for parameters specified in formula with initial value init_rd.


(only for glicko2) named vector of initial players ratings estimates. If not specified then sigma will be created automatically for parameters specified in formula with initial value init_sigma.


name of the column in 'data' containing lambda values or one constant value (eg. lambda = colname or lambda = 0.5). Lambda impact prior variance, and uncertainty of the matchup result. The higher lambda, the higher prior variance and more uncertain result of the matchup. Higher lambda flattens chances of winning.


name of the column in 'data' containing player share in team efforts. It's used to first calculate combined rating of the team and then redistribute ratings update back to players level. Warning - it should be used only if formula is specified with players nested within teams ('player(player|team)').


name of the column in 'data' containing weights values or one constant (eg. weight = colname or weight = 0.5). Weights increasing (weight > 1) or decreasing (weight < 1) update change. Higher weight increasing impact of event result on rating estimate.


initial values for r if not provided. Default (glicko = 1500, glicko2 = 1500, bbt = 25, dbl = 0)


initial values for rd if not provided. Default (glicko = 350, glicko2 = 350, bbt = 25/3, dbl = 1)


initial values for sigma if not provided. Default = 0.5


controls rd shrinkage not to be greater than rd*(1 - kappa). 'kappa=1' means that rd will not be decreased.


The system constant. Which constrains the change in volatility over time. Reasonable choices are between 0.3 and 1.2 (default = 0.5), though the system should be tested to decide which value results in greatest predictive accuracy. Smaller values of tau prevent the volatility measures from changing by large amounts, which in turn prevent enormous changes in ratings based on very improbable results. If the application of Glicko-2 is expected to involve extremely improbable collections of game outcomes, then 'tau' should be set to a small value, even as small as, say, tau= 0.


A "rating" object is returned:

  • final_r named vector containing players ratings.

  • final_rd named vector containing players ratings deviations.

  • final_sigma named vector containing players ratings volatile.

  • r data.frame with evolution of the ratings and ratings deviations estimated at each event.

  • pairs pairwise combinations of players in analysed events with prior probability and result of a challenge.

  • class of the object.

  • method type of algorithm used.

  • settings arguments specified in function call.


# the simplest example
data <- data.frame(
  id = c(1, 1, 1, 1),
  team = c("A", "A", "B", "B"),
  player = c("a", "b", "c", "d"),
  rank_team = c(1, 1, 2, 2),
  rank_player = c(3, 4, 1, 2)

# Example from Glickman
glicko2 <- glicko2_run(
  data = data, 
  formula = rank_player | id ~ player(player),
   r = setNames(c(1500.0, 1400.0, 1550.0, 1700.0), c("a", "b", "c", "d")),
   rd = setNames(c(200.0, 30.0, 100.0, 300.0), c("a", "b", "c", "d"))
# nested matchup
glicko2 <- glicko2_run(
  data = data, 
  formula = rank_team | id ~ player(player | team)

Heat results of Speedway Grand-Prix


Actual dataset containing heats results of all Speedway Grand-Prix turnaments gpheats.


A data frame with >19000 rows and 11 variables:


event identifier


year of Grand-Prix, 1995-now


date of turnament


round in season


Turnament name


heat number, 1-23


number of gate, 1-4


rider name, string


paints gained, integer


position at finish line, string


rank at finish line, integer



Turnament results of Speedway Grand-Prix


Actual dataset containing turnament results of all Speedway Grand-Prix events gpsquads


A data frame with >4000 rows and 9 variables:


event identifier


year of Grand-Prix, 1995-now


date of turnament


stadium of event


round in season


Turnament name


rider names, 1-6


points gained, integer


classification after an event



Plot rating object


Plot rating object


## S3 method for class 'rating'
plot(x, n = 10, players, ...)



of class rating


number of teams to be plotted


optional vector with names of the contestants (coefficients) to plot their evolution in time.


optional arguments

Predict rating model


Predict rating model


## S3 method for class 'rating'
predict(object, newdata, ...)



of class rating


data.frame with data to predict


optional arguments


probabilities of winning challenge by player over his opponent in all provided events.


glicko <- glicko_run(data = gpheats[1:16, ], 
                     formula = rank | id ~ player(rider))
predict(glicko, gpheats[17:20, ])

Apply rating algorithm


Apply rating algorithm


  r = numeric(0),
  rd = numeric(0),
  sigma = numeric(0),
  init_r = numeric(0),
  init_rd = numeric(0),
  init_sigma = numeric(0),
  lambda = numeric(0),
  share = numeric(0),
  weight = numeric(0),
  kappa = numeric(0),
  tau = numeric(0)



one of c("glicko", "glicko2", "bbt", "dbl")


data.frame which contains columns specified in formula, and optional columns defined by lambda, weight.


formula which specifies the model. RHS Allows only player rating parameter and it should be specified in following manner:

rank | id ~ player(name).

  • rank player position in event.

  • id event identifier in which pairwise comparison is assessed.

  • player(name) name of the contestant. In this case player(name) helps algorithm point name of the column where player names are stored.

Users can also specify formula in in different way: rank | id ~ player(name|team). Which means that players are playing in teams, and results are observed for teams not for players. For more see vignette.


named vector of initial players ratings estimates. If not specified then r will be created automatically for parameters specified in formula with initial value init_r.


rd named vector of initial rating deviation estimates. If not specified then rd will be created automatically for parameters specified in formula with initial value init_rd.


(only for glicko2) named vector of initial players ratings estimates. If not specified then sigma will be created automatically for parameters specified in formula with initial value init_sigma.


initial values for r if not provided. Default (glicko = 1500, glicko2 = 1500, bbt = 25, dbl = 0)


initial values for rd if not provided. Default (glicko = 350, glicko2 = 350, bbt = 25/3, dbl = 1)


initial values for sigma if not provided. Default = 0.5


name of the column in 'data' containing lambda values or one constant value (eg. lambda = colname or lambda = 0.5). Lambda impact prior variance, and uncertainty of the matchup result. The higher lambda, the higher prior variance and more uncertain result of the matchup. Higher lambda flattens chances of winning.


name of the column in 'data' containing player share in team efforts. It's used to first calculate combined rating of the team and then redistribute ratings update back to players level. Warning - it should be used only if formula is specified with players nested within teams ('player(player|team)').


name of the column in 'data' containing weights values or one constant (eg. weight = colname or weight = 0.5). Weights increasing (weight > 1) or decreasing (weight < 1) update change. Higher weight increasing impact of event result on rating estimate.


controls rd shrinkage not to be greater than rd*(1 - kappa). 'kappa=1' means that rd will not be decreased.


The system constant. Which constrains the change in volatility over time. Reasonable choices are between 0.3 and 1.2 (default = 0.5), though the system should be tested to decide which value results in greatest predictive accuracy. Smaller values of tau prevent the volatility measures from changing by large amounts, which in turn prevent enormous changes in ratings based on very improbable results. If the application of Glicko-2 is expected to involve extremely improbable collections of game outcomes, then 'tau' should be set to a small value, even as small as, say, tau= 0.

Summarizing rating objects


Summarizing rating objects Summary for object of class 'rating'


## S3 method for class 'rating'
summary(object, ...)



of class rating


optional arguments


List with following elements

  • formula modeled formula.

  • method type of algorithm used.

  • Overall Accuracy named vector containing players ratings.

  • r data.frame summarized players ratings and model winning probabilities. Probabilities are returned only in models with one variable (ratings)

    • name of a player

    • r players ratings

    • rd players ratings deviation

    • `Model probability` mean predicted probability of winning the challenge by the player.

    • `True probability` mean observed probability of winning the challenge by the player.

    • `Accuracy` Accuracy of prediction.

    • `pairings` number of pairwise occurrences.


model <- glicko_run(formula = rank | id ~ player(rider), 
                    data = gpheats[1:102, ])